Small, Private Tours of the Thousand Islands
Small, Private Tours of the Thousand Islands
Custom Tours Made Just for You
See the many back waters and other lesser-known areas where only shallow-draft boats like ours can visit. Our tours are customized for you.
Book a sunset cruise to end your day or as the start of a romantic evening. There’s nothing like celebrating a special occasion by spending it on the water surrounded by the beauty of the Thousand Islands.
Wonderful Variety of Wildlife and Bird Species
Mammal species commonly seen include white-tailed deer, woodchucks, raccoons, red squirrels, beavers, otters, and mink.
Go for a snorkel and see if you can spot a bass, northern pike, or the famous muskie.
- Great Blue Heron
- American Black Duck (winters and breeds)
- Common Loon (breeds)
- Least Bittern (possible breeder)
- Osprey (breeds)
- Bald Eagle (winters)
- Northern Harrier (breeds)
- Red-shouldered Hawk (possible breeder)
- American Woodcock (probable breeder)
- Black Tern (historic breeder)
- Whip-poor-will (probable breeder)
- Red-headed Woodpecker (possible breeder)
- Willow Flycatcher (possible breeder)
- Wood Thrush (probable breeder)
- Cerulean Warbler (confirmed breeder, two nests observed on Thousand Islands Land Trust property)
- Vesper Sparrow (possible breeder)
(National Audubon Association)
Make Yourselves Comfortable
Based in Alexandria Bay, New York, a bustling tourist town with many nicknames (Alex Bay, A Bay, or just The Bay), 1000 Islands Water Tours has two 6-passenger boats, a 34-foot Parker and a 25-foot center console Olympia, which can can travel distances quickly if needed or just putter slowly to take in the scenery.
The charming village of Clayton, New York, is only 10 miles upstream from Alexandria Bay and is the other main American town of the Thousand Islands.
Book a cruise for your special occasion: birthday, anniversary, proposal, graduation.
Rates for a private tour are $175 per hour.

All 1000 Islands Water Tours captains are USCG Masters with 100 ton licenses and extensive knowledge of the St. Lawrence River and its history.

A scuba diver since he was 12 years old, Andrew now trains others to be instructors and has dived throughout the world from the high Arctic, to the Amazon rain forest to the wrecks of Asia. As a professional diver he has done work for the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, National Geographic, and other TV production companies. Andrew’s most recent diving trips have been with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) in Papua New Guinea and Palau recovering the remains of servicemen from World War II.

As an officer in the Royal Marines Commandos for 8 years, Andrew served on various appointments at sea and on land including tours for which he received extensive training in parachuting, Arctic survival, and combat swimming with oxygen rebreathers. He was a member of the British National Parachute team and commanded the world-record-holding Royal Marines Free Fall Team.
After many visits over the years to the Thousand Islands, Andrew made it his home more than 10 years ago. He loves its history as much as its unparalleled beauty.
What are you waiting for?

All other photos by 1000 Islands Water Tours.
©2017–2024 1000 Islands Water Tours
Website by Lisa Goodlin Design